Several individuals find it difficult to become debt free, at present. They may likewise have difficulty in choosing what solution to undertake to go for debt settlement or debt consolidation, hire a professional to do it or try and do it themselves. With professional advice you too, like many, could become debt free. Here are some strategies the experts can help you with towards your goal of achieving zero debt.One of the ways by which all of your debt can be paid off which allows you to pay off your debt in a single payment at a lower interest rate instead of the norm of paying it to several lenders at numerous and often much increased interest rates is debt consolidation. In addition, you are given a shorter period of payment rather than what typically becomes twenty years or longer.In theory, debt consolidation is typically advisable for getting rid of credit card debt. Higher interest rates are put on credit cards and could be dramatically reduced when it involves having an expert negotiate a payment plan. If you own a car or house, you may even be given lower interest rate by making use of your property as collateral to a secured loan. The debt’s total interest as well as cash flow incurred is lower that permits you to pay it sooner and with less interest.Meanwhile, if you have a big debt however don’t have enough income to spare, you may still have difficulty in paying off the debt and be debt free. In this case you may opt for credit card settlement that entails negotiating for a reduction in your total debt so you could pay it off in a logical fashion.By choosing credit card settlement, you even need to choose whether you want to make use of a professional company to do the negotiations and dealing for you or study and do the negotiations with creditors yourself. You however require proper guidance if you choose the latter.There are companies that will not agree to slash off a certain portion of your debt once you let them know your economic position. Nonetheless you could use the threat or risk of bankruptcy so as to get your creditors to agree to a debt settlement. By having specialists negotiate this for you it is possible that you can get a sizeable percent reduction and will have the choice to pay the stated amount in lump sum or in monthly installments.