Figuring out the difference between a debt management service and a debt consolidation loan can be a little tricky. While both are designed to lower your payments and get you out of debt, each goes about this task in a different way. It is important to understand the differences between the two services so you can make an educated choice about which one would work best for you.Debt Management ServicesDebt management services offer many types of assistance and resources to help you lower your debt. Usually these services are non profit and they work with you to prepare a budget that will help you get out of debt and stay out of debt. They tend to be more fixated on educating the consumer on money management more than anything else. They often offer one to one counseling, finance classes, budgeting workshops, and bankruptcy counseling. Their goal is to get you back on financial track. Some debt management services also work with your creditors to lower your monthly payments, lower your interest rates, or even reduce or remove late fees and finance charges. Debt management companies don’t lend you the money to pay off your high interest credit cards, turning many payments into one.Debt Consolidation LoanA debt consolidation loan is a loan that is used to pay off higher interest loans like credit cards. It usually reduces your monthly payment and your interest rate, making it easier to pay off your debt faster. When you have more money to live on each month that can help to keep you out of further credit card debt. Often a consolidation loan requires that you own a house, so that the loan can be taken against equity in the home. There are risks involved with putting your house up for collateral on a debt consolidation loan. Should something unexpected happen to your income and you find that you can’t make your loan payment, you could lose your house. While this is an unlikely scenario, it is a possibility and should always be considered.
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