Hospitals organize denser data. This means that the data is wrapped around the business processes, or which is nearly the same activity on the computer system or information example.In to organize a traditional hospital, the patient will be cured and subsequently treated “at the moment it is out of the team thrown. To visit a doctor or specialist, the sick, and all is well and approved hospital leave.In high data density, this procedure is more or less the same, but it is because of this difference and give a clear answer to the question : when a patient is discharged when the doctor visited cured.This or if it appears that the chicken or the egg problem, but it’s not really an information system that they are going to difference.A time the patient must go to the hospital and can programmed to schedule physicians to see patients could be cured effective control. In this case, the process for the customer (patient) needs to be optimized and the availability of specialist.As says, there is only one example. The uniqueness of the complexity of the hospital is not so different specialties that are needed are to treat patients, but the interaction between experts and between computer systems in hospitals and medical equipment.Information more complicated than other information systems and require special training or licenses for construction. However, different information needs in the hospital do not differ from the normal health system. There are various categories and the integration of them is the biggest challenge.HJB.