I take shopping research pretty seriously. Always knowing or at least having some very definite ideas ahead of time, what I’m going to buy and how much I’m going to pay. I’m the shopper with a list, a plan of which stores I’m going to visit and a definite plan in mind. Armed with my list and my plan I’m able to enjoy the crowds, the lights, decorations and the festivity in the air. Having said all of that, I’ve never shopped on ‘Black Friday’. Just the mere thought of heading out during the busiest shopping day of the year has always made me a wee bit weary, I just never wanted to fight crowds and deal with what I was sure would be crabby, rushed people.This year all anyone on the news has been talking about has been our country’s financial crisis. The department stores are in turn offering deeper discounts than ever before! That’s the claim I heard again and again. So, stores were fishing for shoppers and like a good little fishy, I felt the need to take the bait. What fun I had!The mall was incredibly busy, just finding a spot even at the late hour of morning that I ventured out took quite a bit of time. But once I entered the mall I was so pleasantly surprised. People were smiling; chatting and gathering holiday gifts the way squirrels gather nuts. Busy, busy, busy. The U.S. Marines were out collecting Toys for Tots, smiling and talking to the happy shoppers. Decorations were beautiful. I have to say that 9 out of 10 people seemed like they were having a great time. It was so much fun! I felt like giggling when I found just what I was looking for time and again. Each one was just what I expected to pay or less. Turns out that Black Friday really does offer some great deals.What’s the point of my story? You just know there has got to be a point here somewhere. I would like to encourage others to try something new. Stretching or pushing slightly past our normal comfort zone can be a very exciting, slightly scary and very satisfying experience. This can be something big or small; it may pertain to your business or line of work. Possibly something to do with friends or family or of course your stretch could be about doing something just for you, yourself. For me today, it was about venturing out on the busiest shopping day of the year, something I always swore I wouldn’t do. I learned that I really enjoyed it and will probably do it again. The life coach in me is very pleased.I encourage you to try something new, stretch just a little bit; you may find a fabulous experience just waiting for you.Warmly,Sandy
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