Most people are stuck at home these evenings due to the very adverse weather.This includes those who enjoy going to a pub or wine bar most evenings before going home, as they like to have a couple pf drinks with their friends before getting home to their partners and children.Even at weekends, many are choosing to spend their spare time at home, where as normally they would go for a game of golf, take their children to the park or swimming during the day, and at night were in the habit of going to a restaurant for a nice meal.Some people are not at work at present because of the dreadful weather.Last week,for the whole seven days the complete UK was gripped by freezing temperatures, and roads and pavements were covered with ice and snow.The only ones who were happy about this were the school pupils who were unable to go to school, and as they are young and fearless, unlike the adults, they are not afraid of falling in the ice, and so thay spent many happy hours building snow men, playing at snow ball fights, sledging, etc.There were a few days respite, but now again we have been notified by the weather experts that the same awful cold and snow are going to be with us from tomorrow. when once more many will not be at work at all, and those who are working will mainly go straight home to thelr warm fires.Instead of just sitting reading a book or watching television for hours on end, this could be a time to consider all your finances, as in general you do not have much time to think about.If you are like so many of the public, when you really begin to think deeply, you will most likely find that you have too many credlt cards and will be shocked when you look at the statements and discover the balances of these cards and how much they are costiing you each month.When you add up the totals, you are amazed to find that they amount to £40,000 and you have only been making the minimum payment which is 3% of the balance. The conclusion is that you must make the minimum of £1,200 every month, and now that you have the time and opportunoty to have a close look, you notice that the balances hardly go down monthly.By paying the minimum each month, it is estimated that the cards will take twenty six years ro clear, which is shocking.You can however pay them all off with a low cost remortgage or secured loan which are loans for homeowners that must be secured on collateral which in this instance is the equity of a property.Remortgages are available from under 2% for homeowners with a lot of equity, and secured loans cost from about 9% which is a fraction of the 20% to 40 % or even more for the credit cards.Using a secured loan or remortgage for debt consolidation will save a fortune, and in days to come, you may even be glad that the weather kept you indoors allowing you to carefully think about consolidation.
Save A Fortune With Secured Loans And Remortgages Used For Debt Consolidation