The season again – for bargains, that is! The day after Thanksgiving, or Black Friday, is the year’s best shopping day. That’s when you get the year’s best deals – we’re talking $100 flat screen TVs and laptops. If you’ve been to any Black Friday sale, you know what to expect – chaos and confusion. It’s best to think of Black Friday like getting geared up for war – if you prepare before hand, you’ll come out unscathed and get some super deals out there! Well, here are some tips for your Black Friday ShoppingTip # 1 – Find the Best Deals in Black Friday AdsThanks Giving ads are usually a store’s best-kept secret. They don’t come out until a day or two before Thanks Giving Day, although these days, they’re coming out earlier and earlier and soon they’ll be out by Easter! Get a copy of all these ads you can find – usually through the newspaper or at the store itself and scout out the best deals. What are you looking for? A new computer? Cinema surrounds speakers? A printer? Pick out the stores with that one deal you want (or split up with your family members!) and invest your time and effort there, rather than trying to get all the deals and ending up with nothing.Tip # 2 – Prepare for the WorstYou’ll have to get ready for the mad scramble. Wear your most comfortable shoes and warmest jacket. Have your credit card or cash ready, so you won’t scramble around for it. Today, the stores aren’t even waiting for dawn to open up – by midnight, those doors fly open and the shoppers swoop in on the best deals before 12:10am. So, for the juiciest and best deals, you should probably leave the house by the time the turkey is cold. Grab some blankets, hand warmers and maybe a chair – and prepare for a long wait. When the frenzy starts, get ready, but remember – no deal is worth your safety.Tip # 3 – There’s always Cyber MondayCyber Monday used to be a big secret, but now, everyone knows that after Thanks Giving Friday, the following Monday is the best time to get deals online. Check out your favorite retailer’s websites. They may have even deeper discounts for items that didn’t sell. Or, while the deals aren’t as big as Black Friday’s, you’ll still save a bundle on these online deals.So, keep these tips in mind this year – they may save your sanity and ensure you get the best deal possible!
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